# of watchers: 19
Fans: 0
| D20: 20 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
First Place:By [Nocternity S.] | Second Place:By [Tadriendra] |
2006-06-16 [Yuriona]: [skittels], unless you upload that to Elftown, I am removing it again only this time it will be PERMANENT.
2006-06-18 [skittels]: hmm yume fuyuhoshi... I believe thats from spiders
2006-06-19 [Yuriona]: *raises eyebrow at [skittels]* Or possibly tent catepillars. It is a lovely photo but I'm not sure how that fits the theme though [Ghost the Hybrid]. I think I'm going to have to ask you to take it down. :(
2006-06-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok
2006-06-20 [Not Here!]: My picture is too large to upload to ET. Am I still eligible for the contest?
2006-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: that depends on HOW too large it is... under 500 px wide you can upload easily to your house.. under 1000 px wide you can upload to a wiki page if you ask a guard.. say [Sunrose] for wiki privs... anything much larger than that Id say you should resize in a computer program...
2006-06-21 [Not Here!]: The first photo is the original but it was too big to up load to ET so I linked it. The second version of this photo is resized so that I could upload it to ET however I am very bad with resizing stuff. As you can see I can't get it to appear any larger. I hope this passes. Please let me know if I need to do anything else to enter.
2006-06-21 [kittykittykitty]: Make it a jpg and try to upload it again :)
2006-06-21 [ultra-violence]: yay im in a contest!
2006-06-21 [kittykittykitty]: XD Me too
2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: I fixed the thumbnailed version [Not Here!] so that looks better. You will have to remove the linked image though or I will remove it for you. [Drowned in Flames], you must upload your entry directly to Elftown or I will remove it from the contest. Why is it so hard for entrants to notice RULE #7??
2006-06-21 [ultra-violence]: because its the seventh one. .. we stop reading at 2
2006-06-21 [sequeena_rae]: But the point is to read all the rules. Honestly.
2006-06-21 [ultra-violence]: yes, that would would be the point of rules. .. but "rules are ment to be broken" or even more so ignored
2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: Not in this instance and that is why anything that does break the rules is removed.
2006-06-21 [ultra-violence]: hehe that is good :)
2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: I think so.
2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: You're welcome. :)
2006-06-23 [Hobbit teen]: i have another one i put near my great great grandmothers grave and i have a photo that looks like a demon that was taken at least twice in the same night!!!!!! and the creepy thing is that it seemed to move!!!!!
2006-06-23 [Nezeb]: That picture is freaky [Hobbit teen].
2006-06-24 [Kelaria]: Yay! I finally put up my entry :P It was taken a couple weeks ago, but have been lazy about putting it up XD
2006-06-24 [sequeena_rae]: Not one to point fingers, but the picture that [Hobbit teen] put up...I think I've seen it before =/ A chubacra (sp?) that I saw on a ghost site. Gah, I can't remember it, ignore me XD
2006-06-24 [Yuriona]: No, I think I've seen it before too actually but just couldn't place it. ><
2006-06-24 [sequeena_rae]: *nods* I remember seeing it somewhere, and I tried to show my sister, but I'd forgotten the site XD *has a look about*
2006-06-24 [Nocternity S.]: yeah i've seen it before too... and its Chupacabra [sequeena_rae]
2006-06-24 [sequeena_rae]: Ah, thanks, I never spell it right ^^
2006-06-24 [Nocternity S.]: hmmm maybe we should look around in some sites... just to be sure
2006-06-24 [sequeena_rae]: That's what I've been doing, but I can't find it yet :)
2006-06-24 [Nocternity S.]: maybe in some mexican site hehe
2006-06-24 [sequeena_rae]: It's on this page :) http://www.gho
2006-06-24 [Nocternity S.]: awsome, you find it!!!
2006-06-24 [sequeena_rae]: ;) I knew I'd seen it before.
2006-06-24 [Nocternity S.]: i think someone just made [Yuriona] very angry
2006-06-24 [sequeena_rae]: Mmhhm, as much as I would love to see that, I have a Most Haunted Live show to watch *is a bit of a ghost lover* night ^^
2006-06-24 [Kelaria]: You know what else I've noticed? People arent keeping the rule about putting when your piccy was taken... part of rule 5.
2006-06-24 [Yuriona]: She has made me angry, very angry indeed! I should have known it was on Ghoststudy.Com
2006-06-24 [Yuriona]: You should check out www.castleofsp
2006-06-24 [Nocternity S.]: sounds good :D lets check it out
2006-06-24 [Kelaria]: I think I have been to that site! :D I remember liking it ^_^
2006-06-25 [sequeena_rae]: Ghoststudy.com is the awesomeness <3 and that site looks great! :D *spends hours there* Does anyone watch Most Haunted by any chance?
2006-06-25 [Yuriona]: I've heard of it but I don't have cable any more so I can't watch it. *sniffs* There was an awesome show here called 'Creepy Canada' that showcased historical haunted sites here in Canada. It was AWESOME! I miss it... *sniffs again*
2006-06-25 [sequeena_rae]: Awww *sends cable* It is le awesomeness <3 Oooh, that sounds good :D There's a British one called Dead Famous, and they go around America looking for the ghosts of famous people, i.e Elvis
2006-06-25 [Yuriona]: There was a reality show here on a youth station that took teenagers, taught them modern ghosthunting techniques then put them into known haunted locations to ghost hunt. It was really cool and some of the kids had really freaky experiences. O_o
2006-06-25 [sequeena_rae]: :O I wish I could do something like that! *plans to stalk the MHL team seeing as they're only in Llanelli* hehehehe >) but seriously, I really would jump at the chance to do something like that.
2006-06-25 [Kelaria]: I used to watch a show called 'Haunted' about ghost hunting in supposedly haunted houses and determining if they're actually haunted or not... but I cant seem to figure out when it's on anymore! blah...
2006-06-25 [sequeena_rae]: Awww :( I remember watching one called 'Scream Team' also, but it wasn't as good as Most Haunted. Most Haunted only usually get bangings, things moving etc, while Dead Famous actually got a ghost O_O It looked like a real person, but the eyes...*shiver
2006-06-25 [Yuriona]: I watched a documentary called A Haunting in Conneticut and another called A Haunting in Georgia, both based on real hauntings. They were freeeeeaaaaky.
2006-06-25 [sequeena_rae]: *wants to see* XD That ghost I was just talking about, omg was it scary, it looked like a short bald man with his hands behind his back, but his eyes were totally black ;__; the camera man didn't even notice he was there! :O
2006-06-25 [Kelaria]: I think I saw one of those! I'm not sure.. sounds familiar!
2006-06-25 [sequeena_rae]: You know the Amytiville story (I can't spell that for the life of me >_>) was that real or was it just a hoax?
2006-06-25 [Kelaria]: I have no clue... I heard it was real... but I havent seen the movie yet.
2006-06-25 [sequeena_rae]: I think I saw one, the one with the doll house X_x
2006-06-25 [Nezeb]: I think it was real. There are documents out about the house. The movie freaked me out though, but mainly at the end where it showed the... *Stops* I don't wanna ruin it.
2006-06-25 [Kelaria]: What was that movie called? the one with the doll house? I cant remember :(
2006-06-25 [Ghost the Hybrid]: can you enter more than one photoe???
2006-06-26 [Nylen Estrall]: Rule #2: TWO ENTRIES PER PARTICIPANT.
2006-06-26 [Kelaria]: Apparently people dont like reading rules -_-;; annoying...
2006-06-26 [Nocternity S.]: lazy people
2006-06-26 [Kelaria]: no kidding... ugh...
2006-06-26 [Nezeb]: I read the rules, can I have a cookie?
2006-06-26 [Nocternity S.]: sure, go buy some and save one for me ;)
2006-06-26 [Deadlock jester]: me roo!
2006-06-26 [Nezeb]: *Runs off to get cookies the comes back with enough for everyone* But it's only if you read the rules ^.^
2006-06-26 [sequeena_rae]: Amytiville: the dollhouse XD
2006-06-26 [Kelaria]: oooo... me like cookies!! :D hmm... there was another movie with a dollhouse... it was on the Lifetime channel (hehe XD I'm a Lifetime sucker) and I know it wasnt that one :P
2006-06-26 [sequeena_rae]: No idea if that was the name though >_> XD
2006-06-26 [Kelaria]: lol! okay XD hehe!
2006-06-29 [Nocternity S.]: well i just want to say, Good Luck!! to everybody, all the pictures look fantastic, i bet its going to be a very difficult decision ^^ Best Wishes!!
2006-06-29 [Captain Rachel Black]: good luck all ^^
2006-06-30 [Yuriona]: That's an interesting photomanip [Solitary Comfort] but I really don't see how it fits the theme. As well, it doesn't follow the rules because it is a wartime photo and therefore you did not take it and it is missing the date, location and a brief description. Please correct this oversight or I will do so for you.
2006-06-30 [Artsieladie]: Ooops! I just noticed that I forgot to put about when I took the photos, so I added the info. :P
2006-06-30 [sequeena_rae]: Actually, I completely forgot to do that too *edits*
2006-06-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: I don't remember when i took mine
2006-06-30 [Captain Rachel Black]: I forgot too!
2006-06-30 [Kelaria]: well just go for a vagueish time... like... last summer. *shrugs*
2006-06-30 [Kelaria]: Like the rules say, it doesnt have to be exact... just more exact than "I took this sometime in my past" :P
2006-06-30 [Captain Rachel Black]: I meant I forgot to put that info up 0.o
2006-06-30 [Kelaria]: yeah, but Yume said she forgot when she took hers :P
2006-06-30 [Captain Rachel Black]: oohhh
2006-06-30 [Kelaria]: yep ^^
2006-06-30 [Solitary Comfort]: Just out of interest will this contest be finishing at midnight Elftown time? Or some other time?
2006-06-30 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i don't know ask yuriona
2006-06-30 [Solitary Comfort]: I was xP
2006-06-30 [Captain Rachel Black]: heh
2006-06-30 [sequeena_rae]: I should imagine so, or whenever [Yuriona] feels like, time zones and all that jazz xP
2006-06-30 [Solitary Comfort]: Thanks for clearing that one up then... ^^
2006-06-30 [sequeena_rae]: Welcome :P
2006-07-01 [Yuriona]: *stares at new entry* OMG... O_O ROFLMAO!! That is hilarious [Solitary Comfort]!
2006-07-01 [Nocternity S.]: Thats very scary...
2006-07-01 [Solitary Comfort]: *smiles* Thanks! I thought I'd differ a little from all the ghost and ghoul entries.
2006-07-01 [ultra-violence]: thats the same mouse i have >.< lol
2006-07-01 [Snowflame]: wtf?Monkey on a mouse?!?!? I have no chance now XD
2006-07-01 [sequeena_rae]: Omg [Solitary Comfort] XD
2006-07-01 [Captain Rachel Black]: Thats hillarious! 0.o
2006-07-01 [Snowflame]: ;-;
2006-07-01 [sequeena_rae]: Everyone has a chance [Snowflame] ;)
2006-07-01 [Snowflame]: :P I love that picture anyway
2006-07-01 [sequeena_rae]: Me too XD It's hillarious :P
2006-07-01 [Snowflame]: and cute too *nods* :3
2006-07-01 [sequeena_rae]: Very ^^
2006-07-01 [Snowflame]: :P
2006-07-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: when do we know who won the competision???
2006-07-06 [Yuriona]: When I get around to making a poll. :P I've been very busy in real life this week between the Canada Day holiday, a family reunion and a funeral. You will just have to bear with me for a bit longer. Don't start bugging me until August. :P
2006-07-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok i won't i was just wondering
2006-07-06 [Captain Rachel Black]: ...August... *whimpers* ^^
2006-07-06 [Yuriona]: Not to worry... I hope to have it done before then just no pestering me about 'when will winners be announced' or 'when will we get our badges' until August 1 please or incur my wrath! >:)
2006-07-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok^^
2006-07-06 [Captain Rachel Black]: herm *devilish grin* Just Kidding ^^
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Yarrr! Don't make me poke you with my pointy stick!
2006-07-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol
2006-07-07 [Nezeb]: Whoo! I moved!
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: stick shmick! *innocent smile*
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Don't make me put the icky black goo of death on the end of it. >:D
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: *hiss* Not the Icky Black goo of death *cowers in dark corner*
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Yup 'fraid so. Just had the minions brew up a fresh cauldron this morning. ^_^
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: mean old cauldrons always picking on me they are *whimper* black iron cauldrons, smell bad they do..
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Yeah, especially when the slaves don't clean them out properly after they've been used. Argh.
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: nasty cauldorns and they're black filth...specia
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Why do you think its called the Icky Black Goo of Death? XD
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]: its the human fat you use!
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: ewwwwwww ^^
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Yeah, that could be it actually. ^^;
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: blech now I loath the icky black goo of death even more ^^
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: You probably don't want to know about the cute baby bunny innards I use either then.
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: You scoundrel! poor innocent bunnies *tear* ^^
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Bunnies are NOT innocent! They are evil, conniving creatures who delight in causing others pain. That's why I use 'em in the goo. ;)
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: oooooooh, Evil back stabbing bunnies!!! (with little pointy teeth) >.<'
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]: mine... no kidding...
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]: vampire drow squirrels are worse than bunnys... they will bite your nuts!
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: ^^
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]:
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: arrrrgh back stabbing bunnies and now vampire drow squirrels *hides eyes*
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Meh... that's what I use the .22 rifle with nighvision scope for. Perfect for hunting vampire drow squirrels. Just remember the silver bullets!
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]: those squirrels now have 2 dozen offspring!
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: 0.0
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]: and they all come when i call! FEAR ME!
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: ahhh but fear my easily annoyed Monkeys of doom!
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]: I dont see no monkeys!
2006-07-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: They're invisible!!! except when you hear them speaking small phrases of German
2006-07-07 [Dark Side of the Moon]: yes, bunnies are evil...
2006-07-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nice one^^
2006-07-07 [moira hawthorne]: is that a carrot launcher?
2006-07-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i think so......
2006-07-07 [Dark Side of the Moon]: It is the over-sized, trans-ionic, carrot laser-gun of death! MWAHAHA!
2006-07-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol^^
2006-07-07 [Yuriona]: Ok... that is just inappropriate for this sort of wiki. Those comments will be deleted. A little fun is ok guys but spamming an official wiki with over a page of useless comments isn't welcome!
2006-07-08 [Captain Rachel Black]: 0.o sorry It did get out of hand
2006-07-08 [Yuriona]: It did. Please keep things clean moira. This is an official wiki after all.
2006-07-09 [Paul Doyle]: All shall fear the Demonic Guinea Pig of Languishing Doom! Check out those paranormal pink eyes :P http://www.tre
2006-07-09 [Nezeb]: Ohhh.. spooky.
2006-07-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's just the flash from the cam that did that^^
2006-07-09 [Nezeb]: I know. But it's still spooky. I have tons of pictures like that and I love pretending that they were possessed when the picture was taken.
2006-07-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ohhh...ok^^
2006-07-09 [Nezeb]: Yeah. It's great being wierd.
2006-07-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know^^
2006-07-09 [Paul Doyle]: Actually, when looking at the source, it's just a cute guinea pig with blazing pink eyes. http://www.tre
2006-07-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ohhh ok^^
2006-07-13 [lady nytmare]: lol, I love [Solitary Comfort]'s entry...
2006-07-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: me too^^
2006-07-13 [Nezeb]: It looks very familiar... but I can't place it...
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